About the Program
It is estimated that up to 150 kids – just in Decorah – go without adequate access to meals during the summer months. During the school year, students have access to lunch at school, but during the break, many kids and families struggle. So as a community, we’ve mobilized volunteers to pack and serve lunches to make sure that kids in our community have meal opportunities during the the summer. Please help us by telling others about Kids Lunch Club, by volunteering, or by making a donation to the program.
Please join us in making this program possible.
This is truly a collaborative program powered by our community. Representatives from the faith community, school district, city, nonprofit and business community have all come together to create the Kids Lunch Club. We appreciate your support and are looking forward to making 2023 the best summer of Kids Lunch Club yet! If you have questions regarding Kids Lunch Club please contact Shanna Putnam Dibble, Kids Lunch Club Coordinator, at decorahkidslunchclub@gmail.com or call 563-419-6624. You can also follow Kids Lunch Club on Facebook for important updates and information!